Did you know that babies come with a lot of crap? Lately, I have been dragging my ass out shopping and looking at what conventional parents are acquiring for their kids. It's freaking ridiculous. RIDICULOUS. C and I just want to keep it simple--funny how complicated that can be. So while I'm enjoying this rant, I will also confess something rather daring. I may eat my words or find myself backpedaling or recanting later on but the truth is this: I hate strollers. I think they are freaking obnoxious. Why are they so big? Why do they need all-wheel drive, all-terrain snow tires and a cup holder for your ginormous Starbucks latte? I just don't get them. At all. For this reason, I have put my foot down and said NO to the stroller/buggy/pram/baby SUV--whatever you like to call it. Just NO. We're slinging it, baby.
ps: Damn, aren't overdue pregnant broads crabby!
1 comment:
Hello! have been following your pregnancy via this weblog and can't wait to see photo of baby!! Hope all goes well. xox claire t (who used to live in okayama!)
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