The circus has left town. I’m left with my sides split and a pickled daikon for a liver. 4 days of just given’r takes its toll on a girl. Words cannot possibly express the laugh riot of a time we had. So I'll say it with numbers.
hospital visits: 1
100 yen McChickens consumed: 12
rules of etiquette broken: 976
karaoke songs: 20
king cans of Asahi consumed: 483
Cincinnati Bowtie jokes: 141
pens mangled: 8
hangovers: 25
displaced Japanese people in the bath: 7
minutes spent looking for Gold Bond: 26
neighbours who won't speak to us: 8
photo shoots with auto-timer: 39
laughing fits: 544
And now, introducing the cast and crew of the Mike, Moose and D shit show...
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