So what do you want to do first? It's such a beautiful day, I suggest we cut down to Crawford and admire some of the Edwardian homes. I love these old maple lined streets. Hey, doesn't Daniel Richler live in that one? No, I think he moved awhile back. But Broken Social Scene still jams around here in one of these old monsters. Come on now, keep up.
We're approaching Dundas street. I see a familiar red streetcar flash by, accelerating and emitting sparks. I sigh deeply. We come to the intersection and I point out where Miss Nix used to live before we lost her to the burbs (she'll soon return to Liberty Village) We wait for the light to change, and observe the metamorphosis that has taken place on the once sketchy street. Gone is the sad succession of boarded up shops. You are quick to point out how they've been replaced by the flirty Skirt and Clandestino, as well as a recently renovated Cafe Brasiliano. And let's not forget our favourite hang out, The Communist's Daughter. Ah yes, we'll come back to that one later...it deserves its own post.
I know what C would call all this: gentrification. But it's just so much easier on the eye than the crack houses of old, don't you think?
But enough about Dundas. Especially when the green oasis of Trinity Park lies before us. Let's take a stroll through it! Oh, how I've missed you! Hey, look! A cop on horseback! What's he thinking walking past the Dog Park? Look at the terriers going freaking bananas--hilarious.
Do you remember this spot? Last summer we congregated here and stretched out on blankets under a starry night sky. I was in charge of mixing the gin and tonics and made them too strong. That's where Carine passed out. I wonder what she's up to today...maybe she can meet us!

I have a hankering for something sweet now. How about a caffe latte and a decadent pain au chocolat from Clafouti, the best French bakery in the city? Mais pourquoi pas? No, we don't need a bag for those. They are going straight into our mouths. And, since this is a fantasy and all, let's eat six a piece, okay? Moving on (we have to work off that pound of butter).
Next destination: Kensington Market. The fridge is empty, after all. We must stop and pick up some organic veggies from Potts. What's he got today? Oh my god, that kale is enormous! And there he is, singing along to Al Green and cooking up his own stew which he will generously share with any takers. I could stay here all day shooting the shit with this man. I lurve you, Potts!

You look at your watch and I shoot you a dirty one. How dare you rush me! But you remind me how much left there is to do today--if I am to be satisfied. Time for breakfast. What will it be? The patio at Musa with the delightfully surly wait staff? Our usual scrambled egg crepe with hollandaise at Boom? Healthy organic scrambled eggs and organic salad at Luna? Um, no. I think what I want is Cafe Brasiliano Eggs Florentine. Let's hurry so we can snag a booth!
Stay tuned for the next nostalgia-induced Hog Town Visit...

Hangover Days - Jason Collett
Hell, that whole album (Idols of Exile)
Friends Forever - Old 97s
Away - Kathleen Edwards
Strawberry Blonde - Ron Sexsmith
Northern Wish - Rheostatics
Mushaboom - Feist
Aw, do you like the Old 97's? My sister and I are Rhett Miller's biggest fans/groupies/stalkers. He's purty.
Yeah, Rhett is easy on the eyes. I'm a big fan/groupie/stalker of Jason Collett, a hometown favourite. Now that we are deprived of small, live shows, we have to make our own fun...a little something called karaoke. Not a bad runner up!
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