Thursday, March 9

Boredom Is The True Enemy

Boredom is the true enemy
And before you stop to answer
Remember, it takes more lives than cancer
Boredom is the true enemy

-Geoff Berner (the messiah of klezmer-punk)

I'm officially bored at work. There is nothing to do until April 10th when school starts up again. What's a girl to do? Why, there are lots of remedies for boredom. One of my personal favourites is boozing it up. Shall I stash a whisky bottle in the bottom drawer of my desk? I think perhaps not. I must use my power for good. Do something productive.
Actually, I am finding things to do. Today, for example I stumbled on a website that will give you a Wu-Tang name. My Wu-name is Dependable Skeleton. C's is better though. He gets to be Ol' Mucky Terrahawk. I think I will start calling him Old Muck around the house.

  • Find Your Wu-Tang Name
  • 1 comment:

    Raychaa said...

    Yesss. Another blog-stalking victory! I've found you, Sabby-yaki! I was listening to some Ani today on the way to work, and heard *Not a Pretty Girl (Just An Angry, Man-Hating One)*. The best verse ever starts *Generally my generation/ wouldn't be caught dead working for THE MAN,/ Generally I agree with them,/ Trouble is you've got to have yourself an alternate plan.* And I thought about yet another year of working for THE MAN and His Japanese Associates. I guess, really, we work for THE SALARYMAN... but it's not quite as catchy. Mata ne! --rachel