Thursday, June 29
Wednesday, June 28
Memos I Wrote Today...
The Best Thing I've Seen This Month
Make sure you give it a few minutes to load. Gotta love the Japanese blatant disregard for public safety...anything for a laugh!
Brought to you by our sponsors, Jane and Shannon.
Tuesday, June 27
Chipotle Potato Ensalada
8 smallish potatoes, boiled and cubed
I cup green beans, cut lengthwise into thirds and boiled
1 small red onion, chopped
1/2 red pepper, chopped
handful pine nuts (optional)
the dressing:
one "scoop" of Nayonnaise (soy mayonnaise)
1 Tbsp chipotle puree
1 Tbsp stoneground mustard
salt and pepper to taste
stir above ingredients together and mix into salad (add more nayo if desired.)
Garnish with avocado slices!
helpful hints:
-to make potato salad creamier, stir in some cubed melt-in-your-mouth avocado. But only for immediate consumption.
-to add protein, mix in small cubes of firm tofu.
-don't overcook the potatoes, green beans. Rinse with lots of cold water to stop cooking process.
EVERYBODY should keep chipotle puree in their fridge. To make it, just throw a can of chipotle peppers in "adobo" sauce into the blender and mix. Keep in a container for up to 3 months. This wonder condiment can be stirred into ketchup for added spice, scrambled eggs, chili, salad dressing, and so much more. It is one of my ESSENTIALS.

God, it must be a dull week if I`m posting recipes on the blog. Maybe I should post some nekkid pics to spice it up a bit. Dad, would you mind?
Thursday, June 22
Takin' Care of Business
I can't say I really learned anything new from the workshops I attended (except Rachel's, which inspired us to do some volunteering this summer in Indonesia!) but I did diligently "network" with my associates. And all on the company dime...
business can only get done in swank hotels

My associates

They really should give us a raise. We pulled an all-nighter.
Thankless job.
ps I know it's probably the angle of the camera and perspective and all that but it has just come to my attention that I have GINORMOUS HANDS. It looks like I could do some serious man-handling with those paws. Yikes.

I must say, this ad at Kobe station does nothing for the already low self-esteem of Japanese men...(if only he had hands like mine)

It wouldn't be Kobe without the...boeuf. No thanks, we'll pass.

Wednesday, June 21
Murakami Sensei is building a shrine of miniatures
Saturday, June 17
Daddy's Girl
It's Father's Day today. Sadly, I cannot be there with you in the flesh to throw my arms around you, share a beer and whip your ass at euchre. I really miss spending time with you, Dad. You are truly one of a kind. A perfect blend of serious and goofball. Okay, maybe one part serious, two parts goofball.
In my nearly 30 years, you have always been a great Dad: loving, generous, wise, sensitive, gentle, hilarious and spontaneous. On Father's Day, I always have much to celebrate and much to be thankful for. I am truly blessed to have you in my life.
Thank you, Dad
...for saying "I love you" every day
...for your famous expressions over the years
-Oh my garage!
-I'm so hungry, I could eat the asshole out of teddy bear!
-Don't sweat the small stuff!
...for not giving a rip what other people think
...for getting up to so much mischief
...for teaching me the art of ordering in a restaurant
-What are you known for?
-Does that come with a pilaf?
(you do realize that I now order for Christopher in precisely the same manner..."my husband will have a beer...")
...for your spontaneity. Even after an 80 hour work week, you would muster the energy and say:
-Who wants to go to a show tonight?
-How about a game of Crazy 8s?
-Grab your coat, let's go for Dairy Queen
...for giving me room to grow
...for letting me make my own choices
...for giving me my own bathroom
...for your impeccable taste in women
...for making me stick with piano lessons
...for loving me enough to let me make my way in the world
Dad, thank you most of all for always being yourself.
I love you and miss you terribly.
Giant bear hugs and kisses,

Thursday, June 15
Wednesday, June 14
Our little spread. I know, I know. There is more booze than food. But you know us well enough by now. This is how we roll...
The International Villa.
Fellow Occupants
Having been forewarned, we arrived at the villa armed with enough insecticde to go on a mukade killing rampage. As it turned out, hard cover children's books were more adept at killing the little suckers. Cheers to C for not shrieking like a little girl when he found one on a towel. Cheers to A for finishing him off. As for my part, I provided a soundtrack of dry heaves (sorry guys)
For more mukade horror stories, see this post
Bustling Downtown Fukiya.

C calls my footwear "apalling". He directed the laser death stare at my feet all weekend. Personally, this style is kind of growing on me (an intervention may be required. Have I been in Japan too long?)

Around the town...
And the countryside...
Here, we happened upon this GIANT SLIDE. At first glance, we thought it would be hilarious if we all chugged up the hill and went down it. The rust should have been the first red flag. The spider webs should have been the second. But no, we were well on our way down before we realized the slide was not meant for direct ass on slide contact. The slide itself was made up of metal rollers, generating an incredibly hot electric charge as we gained speed. Hilarious it wasn't. I almost burned a hole through my jeans. And I can still hear the screaming...
Sneaking up on C. Let's see if he'll submit to a photo shoot...
Apparently, not. I've seen this look before...right before he calls me a real "piece of work".
I quietly retreat and leave my man in peace. I trip off down the lane in search of less hostile subjects for my camera.
Back by popular demand, the yukata photo shoot. We are now compiling a collection of karate kid poses with all willing participants. These are featuring Brad and Alicia. I love the VanDam kick, A! No, C and I are not salsa dancing. Apparently it's a judo move.
Here we are about to enter an old mine shaft. At one point, A remarked: I hope there`s no sudden earthquake! Fast forward 18 hours: we get our sudden earthquake!!!
And speaking of shafts, In the middle of a bamboo forest, we came upon...
A fertility shrine?! Very curious.
C was vehemently opposed to my suggestion that we all "get on it" and have a photo shoot. Remind me to thank him one day...
Today's Confession
Monday, June 12
bouncing around the room
This morning we woke up at 5am. It was not the alarm clock or the telephone ringing or Gianni barking that made us yell "Sweet Jesus! What the [DELETED] is that???", but rather the mad shaking of the entire room and its contents, us included. Yep, you guessed it. This morning C and I experienced our very first earthquake. We now know that the pair of us are utterly useless in the face of an emergency. We kind of just laid there wide eyed and paralyzed....and then rolled over and went back to sleep.
Friday, June 9
pay attention to me
Here is yet another example of unwarranted fame as a gaijin. But it`s an easy gig. I just have to sit there and look foreign.
Tuesday, June 6
A conversation I had...
-That's right.
-But aren't you hungry all the time?
-Ummmmm, no. I do okay.
I get paid to do this
Good morning, class. I would like to introduce Ando. Ando is most interested in money. His favorite proverb is `Money is a great traveler of the world`. He is blinded by money. He also likes basketball. Thank you, that`s all.
Hello everybody. This is Satoshi. Satoshi lives in Kurashiki. He likes soccer. He is a very good player. Satoshi has many friends. Satoshi is handsome and cool and fresh. He has many girlfriends. So, I respect him. This story is non-fiction.
Hello. This is Daisuke. He is very clever with his hands. For example, when he writes he uses a very small pencil. Thank you, that`s all.
Sunday, June 4
Weekend Discoveries

Bowling alleys are dry in Japan (why we stayed for only one game) I had one strike and a bazillion gutter balls. I'm better when I'm on the bottle...

saucy and glossy are we...

Rock Lobster is like, THE BEST karaoke song ever

Choose karaoke songs wisely when with under 25 crowd. (How can anyone HAVE NEVER HEARD OF FOOTLOOSE??) Totally beyond me. Kids.

Saturday, June 3
My Mother In-Law Got Me Addicted To Crack

I will conquer this. I have told Christopher to:
hide all pencils

feed other addictions