Monday, June 12

bouncing around the room

Breaking news...

This morning we woke up at 5am. It was not the alarm clock or the telephone ringing or Gianni barking that made us yell "Sweet Jesus! What the [DELETED] is that???", but rather the mad shaking of the entire room and its contents, us included. Yep, you guessed it. This morning C and I experienced our very first earthquake. We now know that the pair of us are utterly useless in the face of an emergency. We kind of just laid there wide eyed and paralyzed....and then rolled over and went back to sleep.


A said...

oooh! oooh! I felt it, too! It was my first ever earthquake. After a lifetime of living in California and almsot 2 years in Japan. Finally, I am in-the-know.

Frugal Rock said...

Wasn`t it wild? The windows rattled and we just kind of shook around on the futon! And we were just talking about earthquakes this weekend!